Category: Uncategorized

Arkadia Fibre Shack 

Another great spinning workshop today at Great Ground Farm…

Camelids at GGF 32 years ago…

I just found these photos of the first camelids here at GGF in 1986 – a bactrian camel & 2 guanacos. Jumping back to 2018, the alpacas are much easier to deal with than their more lively cousins. And I definitely don’t miss the… Continue Reading “Camelids at GGF 32 years ago…”

Halter training to round off the last day of the year…

Last Alpaca Walk of 2017


Alpacas in the snow

Those woolly coats are certainly appreciated this morning 😀

Trekking in November Sun…

The sun came out today just in time for the 12 noon walk

Sunday Afternoon Stroll

The sun came out to brighten a chilly afternoon stroll today for Brittany & Steph from London

Midland Championships

5 rosettes for Orpheus, Octavia, Persephone, Pinnacle & Phineas

Walking with Alpacas…

A great time had by Marion Thorne & family today with the alpacas here at Great Ground Farm